
Rotor Dynamics Test Facility at AERDC, HAL Bangalore for evaluation of the functional and operating characteristics of Rotor-Bearing-Support system. The Rotor Dynamic Test facility covered under this tender includes the design, manufacturing, supply and commissioning of equipment, systems, software, spares and any other tools if any not explicitly mentioned in this specification required for the smooth functioning of the facility. The test facility proposed is of generic nature for Rotor Dynamic testing of Rotor-Bearing-support systems covering various configurations such as both sides over hanging, simply supported, one side over hanging etc.

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Technical Details

  • Test Bench supporting structure
  • Two drive Systems
  • Two step up Gear Boxes with lubrication system
  • Two low speed couplings and two high speed couplings
  • Four instrumented pedestals
  • Oil system to supply/scavenging oil to/ from Test rotor Bearings
  • Measurement, control and safety system
  • Control console
  • Axial and Lateral loading system
  • Safety enclosure

To test the behaviour of Aircraft Rotor System by varrying the different test parameter like Speed variation (0 to 55000 RPM), Unbalance response to excessive unbalance, The response due to misalignment, Experimental validation of damping etc.

Key Features

  • To Test the different type of Aircraft Rotor
  • To Test the behaviour of Rotor due to Axial Loading System
  • To Test the behaviour of Rotor due to Lateral Misalignment System
  • To Test the behaviour of Rotor due to change in pressure and flow of bearing lubrications system
  • Critical speed validation of Rotor System at different operating speed

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