Combined Control Unit Test Bench


The Test Bench is used for testing servo hydraulic actuator. It used for testing helicopter and fighter plane components. It is fully computerized system with the software which can control up to 120 testing sequence. There is also custom built report generation system. It can Test any servo hydraulic actuator used in aviation.

It can perform following test :

  • Frequency response Analysis.
  • Simulate any load and profile for displacements.
  • Measure cyclic test.

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Technical Details

  • Working Fluid : Hydraulic Oil AMR-10-GOST.6754-53
  • Maximum Pressure which can be built up in the System : 80 Kg/Cm2
  • Working Pressure : 60 - 65 Kg/Cm2 in Check Mode & 42 - 73 Kg/Cm2 in Functional Mode
  • Return Back Pressure : 5 - 7 Kg/Cm2
  • Hydraulic Fluid Temperature : Up to 800 C
  • Permissible Contamination Level : Up to count 12 of NAS 1638
  • Accumulator Nitrogen Pressure : 30+/- 2 Kg/Cm2
  • Leakage Measurement Range : 0-2000 cc
  • Electric Motor Detail : 10 kW, 1460 RPM, 3 Phase
  • Operating Principle : Software Controlled Hydro-Electro-Mechanical
  • Loading Springs Performance : For Pmax 1850 Kg (K= 45, 62, 5 Kg/mm) & For Running in Test 1500 Kg (K= 27, 42 Kg/mm)
  • Cooling : Chilled Water
  • Heating : Automatically through the Pump flow over Relief
  • Hydraulic System : Main System & Duplicate System

1. Testing and Adjusting of Combined Control Unit of MI8 Helicopter.
2. The Test Bench is for carrying out acceptance, control & periodic test of Servo Units KAY-30B, PA-60B according to the specific Test Schedules of the components.

Key Features

  • Ease of Operation.
  • User Friendliness
  • Safety
  • Operator intervention is very minimal and limited to adjustments.
  • Ease of Maintenance
  • Automatic & Manual Mode of Operation.
  • Automatic Report Generation/ Data Storage.

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